Will the Lincoln County Commission use common sense?


As you can see, the Lincoln County Commission will be either approving or denying wind energy zoning guidelines on November 22.

Some of the ridiculous changes pushed by the wind haters (which are really global warming deniers) include;

5,280 feet set back (Yeah kids, that is 1 mile, which pretty much eliminates them being placed anywhere in Lincoln County). Let me put this in perspective, you know the little lawsuit in McKennan Park over setbacks? That is about four feet.

They also want to change the decibel level to 35 during the day and 30 at night. On a comparison chart, that is compared to a whisper in a quiet library at 6′. But could you hear anything if it was a mile away from your property?

They also want an analysis done on ‘flickering’. What is that? By all accounts I think it is something the ‘wind haters’ created in their minds from watching to many Orson Wells movies.

While most of these regulations look like something you would find in a comic book, our Lincoln County Commission is actually considering these ridiculous measures. I hope to attend the meeting to personally listen to the crazies explain the dangers of ‘wind’.

Sign of the times

What’s hard about this:
. church exists,
. church building built in 1924,
. church is neighborhood anchor,
. church helps community,
. church wants to keep neighbors informed,
. church sign is worn out,
. church wants to replace sign,
. church can’t replace sign with similar,
. church decides to look at alternatives,
. church looks at newer technology,
. church decides on new technology,
. church wants sign to fit building design,
. church asks city permission to install new sign,
. church is fought by city and some neighbors,
. church fights back,
. church appeals to city council,
. church convinces city council to bite back,
. church and neighborhood win.

Congratulations Augustana Lutheran Church on getting your sign permission from the Sioux Falls City Council November 1, 2016.