The irony of voting ‘NO’ on the outdoor pool

Here is a new video about reaction.

When Tom Simmons spoke the other day, he actually was closer to the truth than he or the mayor ever could have realize. The 2014 voter was asked to select a YES box for a new OUTDOOR pool. A NO vote was to reject the outdoor pool. There never was an indoor pool on the ballot so a NO vote could be for no pool at all or maybe a larger outdoor pool or the natural pool proposal. The city never asked for other solutions. The mayor and his cronies took the outdoor pool loss as their justification for moving forward on the extravagance of an indoor facility costing 1,500,000.00 per year in deficits over the $25+ millions cost to build not counting the interest on the borrowed levee money ($30 million approx.).

In other words, did the 22,177 Simmons mentioned voting NO on the outdoor pool are going to be in hiding as they realize they let Huether going ahead on Sioux Falls spending at least $100 million dollars during its 50 year lifetime?

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Midco Exec thinks we voted on an Indoor Pool


It amazes me that an executive from the company that is sponsoring the project is still peddling the lie that we ‘voted on this’. He said this during the grand opening ceremony (FF: 9:20);

“I’m going to guess in not to long of a period of time from now, after the community has had the opportunity to visit and take advantage of this fabulous facility, it’s gonna be darn near impossible to find anyone in Sioux Falls to admit they voted no. And if they do, just shake your head and just say, every once in awhile nobody is perfect we all make mistakes.”

The mayor even goes on to say that ‘22,193 citizens who voted . . . to support our new indoor pool’ (19:20).

Yeah, I’m shaking my head that you would make the mistake of blurting out a lie. He knows better. Even after the falsehoods sold to us in the advocational sessions and election campaign leading up to the project, the players in this cheating game can’t resist to get in one last dig and lie about the pool.

One person chose to build the indoor pool. Mike Huether. There was no vote (on an indoor pool) and it wasn’t entirely paid for with cash. You would think, that with the pool already built, they could finally start telling the truth. I guess not. You won, why continue to lie?

Williams VS. Thune


Just finished watching a ‘Discussion’ between the two candidates on SDPB.

First, let’s look at the cold hard facts, Thune is probably going to beat Williams in the election, it’s sad but true. The unfortunate part about this is that Williams is a strong candidate, and if the Democratic party in SD got their S— together, they could have gotten behind him early and made him a true contender. Jay, unfortunately had to fight this battle almost alone, and came in way late in the game. He is virtually a political nobody, as he has admitted in the debate. To tell you the truth, I had no idea who he was until he announced his candidacy.

All of my truthiness aside, Jay kicked John’s ass tonight. He is a tech savvy business man that is a Vietnam vet who believes in diplomacy. Just his words about humanitarian aid to countries who may hate us, spoke volumes about his position on how you treat your enemy.

But two things stood out in the debate that further cements my nickname I gave to John years ago, Ironic Johnny Thune-Bag cannot help himself from being ironic.

First he talks about how Democratic policies have hurt the (working) poor of our state. That debate aside, does John realize it is 40 years of policies from his party that have created these people in our state with failed programs like EB-5 and tax cut, trickle down mentality. It just doesn’t work.

He also talks about ‘de-regulation’ then tries to counter Williams by promoting the regulation of the internet, etc. So which is it John?

Just like his flip-flop about voting for Trump, Thune has been in DC for too long, and all the things he accused Daschle of, he has embraced.

Oh the Irony of Thune.

Stehly gives her side of the story (without the gaveling maniac)

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This is what a leader looks like – The other guy, not so much.

I was happy to see that the Argus Leader allowed Theresa to weigh in;

I was excited to step into a role on the council where I could use the resources of our city government to better serve our people.

Unfortunately, this has not been the case. I have been told by our council leadership and our city attorney that I should not talk to the media, that I should not advocate for citizen issues, that I now work for the city and I should never criticize my boss, the city. One of the most disturbing comments that was made to me was:

“Don’t let the tail wag the Dog.”

Some have said that I should just discard these comments. But when you have the power and threat of the city attorney’s office coming at you, it is hard to defend yourself. I have had to get my own attorney to be an advocate for me and my rights to speak up for the citizens of Sioux Falls.

Something needs to change. The city council as a legislative branch needs their own attorney, separate from the executive branch (the mayor’s office). We need checks and balances to keep integrity and transparency in all that we do as a city. We need to have an open discussion to discuss what the public wants and expects from their city council. I want to assure the public that I will always work for their best interest.

What most people don’t understand, there is a whole other side to what has been happening to our councilor, a side the Mayor and his administration doesn’t want you to see. Because while Stehly works on helping the average citizen get a fair shake, and the county concentrates on keeping us safe with building a new jail, our mayor fiddles around with crying at an indoor pool.