Give Cameraman Bruce a Break!

We have several videos on the docket, Bruce has been busy, HA!

Upcoming Videos;

• Mayor’s summit with guest speaker and Q & A with Hizzoner.

• Public input at Tuesday’s city council meeting

• Legislative candidate interviews with Jeff Barth and Eric Leggett

• Clinton rally with Chelsea Clinton

Stay patient. Up soon!

Sioux Falls Planning Commission denies Old World/European market concept


Forgive me, but the vote count was strange, because they didn’t do a roll call vote, but I think is was (3 Yes, 4 No) Fiegen, Paulson and Anderson were in favor. It seems the chair didn’t vote, which is odd (I will have to look into that when the minutes come out).

The Franklin School has been vacant for quite awhile, so an investor (who coincidentally has a middle eastern name, Qadar Sadat) wanted to convert it into commercial space to set up affordable market space for immigrant entrepreneurs or others that wanted to start markets that would cater to the neighborhood’s obvious immigrant population.

It was denied simply because of the argument that it didn’t have enough parking spots, and a concern that it would be zoned commercial. A commissioner in favor of the rezone pointed out the parking needs would have to met after the rezone and before the remodel. As for the argument of commercial, it was pointed out by the realtor of the property that apartment buildings in these kind of buildings isn’t a concept that has worked well in Sioux Falls. As for the argument of commercial, the building sits on North Cliff Avenue & 3rd street, very appropriate for the area. Ironically this argument comes from a commissioner that has no problem with building an 85,000 square foot, 24/7 Walmart next to an established neighborhood. Let’s talk about what is ‘appropriate’. Also, only ONE person in the neighborhood showed up to say he was against the project. The realtor said that they had a neighborhood meeting and no one was opposed to the project, they actually looked forward to it.

I really think this denial was due to the fact it is the Whittier Neighborhood, a place that only seems good enough for homeless shelters, low income housing and the Banquet. This was a slap in the face of our immigrant population who wanted something for themselves in their neighborhood, and quite frankly good for the whole community to have such a diverse retail center.

Of course I don’t know all of the details, but I think this would have been a cool concept. Once again, some on the planning commission don’t vote reality, just what the planning department asks of them (they recommended denial).



But in good news, the commission did approve another brewery in Sioux Falls. A former brewer at Wooden Legs Brewery in Brookings is opening the facility. Cheers!

City of Sioux Falls seeks to punish residents with higher garbage rates for their screwup

Remember when the city’s landfill couldn’t even keep track of who wasn’t paying them? Well the city released a solution today, and nope, it has nothing to do with them doing a better job of collecting fees. They want to require the garbage haulers to have bonds in case they can’t pay. This of course will be passed on to consumers. So now when city employees screw up (Like they did with infrastructure money towards Foundation Park) they come up with a solution that only makes our rates go up (garbage and water).

The city council needs to ask for accountability, not from the garbage haulers but from our public employees.

Hildebrand smart to get ahead of the ‘NO on everything’ campaign

steve hildebrand

If there is one thing I have learned about Steve over the years, he is no dummy, and he certainly doesn’t jump to conclusions without evidence. He is very seasoned at running campaigns, and he holds no punches back. Whether you believe Steve or not about the ‘No on everything’ campaign, he would not have gotten ahead of this if he didn’t have solid information;

Hildebrand would not say who told him the party is planning the ad campaign.

Of course Steve isn’t going to release his sources. If I told everyone on this site where I get some of my information, I wouldn’t have a site, because I no longer would have sources. As if Steve was going to give them those sources because a couple of green horn TV reporters asked him for it. LOL.

Either way, the idea in itself isn’t too far fetched. The Republicans know they have a pretty good chance of defeating 22 but ‘V’ will probably pass easily. That’s the one they fear the most. So grouping all the amendments as trouble is an easier way for them to get people to vote against ‘V’. They could care less if the technical schools get it’s own board or if Marsy’s Law fails. Amendment ‘V’ scares the living dog crap out of them, because they know it will change the makeup of the state legislature virtually overnight, and their over 40 years of a fascist grip on lawmaking in this state will finally end.

Police Accountability

Kind of reminds me of a certain unsolved crime that quickly turned into a cold case in Tuthill Park;

Some states have specific law regarding the release of dashboard and body-worn camera video, but not South Dakota.

Though the state lacks specific laws regarding the public access to video, Sioux Falls Police Chief Matt Burns said its release is exempt under state law.

Burns said the Sioux Falls Police Department is only testing the use of body-worn camera at this point and haven’t issued them to officers. He said the department’s policy on videos, regardless of the source, would be not to release them.

“That is not to say that we would never release a video if there was a very compelling reason to do so,” Burns said. “The final determination would be made by me based on the totality of the circumstances.”

You mean like when officers shoot at shadows, swaying branches or deer in a park?

As a transgender person in Sioux Falls recently pointed out, camera footage does matter. So what is the point of tax payers buying dash cam and body cam technology if it is not used to protect ‘US’ the taxpayer? And the police wonder why the public doesn’t trust them?