To say I’m a little excited would be an understatement

Lydia plays tonight at the District, she is opening for the Drive By Truckers. She is a weird combo of Stevie Nicks, Lucinda Williams and Emmylou Harris. Tickets are kind of spendy, but well worth it. Also a shout out to Scott Hudson for helping to produce a documentary about Lydia, if he can find it in his heart he will introduce me to Lydia.



Rex Rolfing needs to learn how to run a meeting from Minnehaha County Commissioner Cindy Heiberger


The less ‘Freaky’ meeting chair

I will be the first to say I don’t always agree with decisions commissioner Heiberger makes, and sometimes she isn’t real big on transparency, BUT what I can see, as chair of the commission, she runs a tight ship when it comes to meetings.

If you ever watch the meetings, as I do, one thing that often stands out is that Cindy runs the meetings with a high level of decorum and professionalism. She is often polite, respectful and thankful of input, whether that comes from her peers, directors or the public. In fact she often disagrees and weighs in just as much as her peers.

Besides the fact that Cindy runs a smooth ship, most of the time, it is not an easy feat, there is a Hell of a lot more ruckus that goes on at these meetings then the city council meetings. Many of the commissioners ask tough questions of their directors and staff, and if those answers are not kosher, they let them have it. Barth and Kelly are the most vocal, but Beninga, Bender and Heiberger have also chimed in when they think they are being buffaloed by staff or the public.

Cindy lets them rant, she also thanks them when they are done, even if she doesn’t agree. That’s called ‘decorum’ folks. Cindy understands that in government not everything is a rubber stamp and a bed of roses, there has to be uncomfortable discussion, there has to be debate and sometimes that is ruffling feathers. She allows it at her meetings, because I believe she knows it is important. I have been watching the meetings regularly over the past two years, while Cindy has raised her voice a few times and has asked people to calm down, she has NEVER gaveled her fellow peers and freaked out like a monkey banging a drum, and trust me I have seen over 20 rants between Barth and Kelly over the past couple of years that were way more uncomfortable and controversial then a prepared statement by Stehly. But guess what, they haven’t had ethics violations lobbed at them, because they have a right as elected officials to have these rants, we expect it from them.

As I have said, if Rolfing would have just let Stehly speak, it would have all been over in a few minutes, with practically no drama. Maybe Rex could mentor Cindy for a few meetings and learn something about representative government and how to run a meeting.

AgUnited Legislative Forum, September 21, 2016

Ag United for South Dakota hosted a legislative candidate forum for Districts 9, 10, and 25 at the new Hefty Seed Morton Hall north of Sioux Falls on September 21, 2016.

South Dakota State Senate candidates in attendance were John Koch, Deb Peters, Jim Powers and Jeff Barth.

South Dakota State House candidates were Michael Saba, Michael Clark, Wayne Steinhauer, Steve Haugaard, Dan Ahlers and David Haagenson and Tom Pischke.

Now they are timing the informational meeting presentations?

I guess they are on a tight schedule now with the council. Maybe since none of them are getting very good raises they all have to start using public transit?


This is all very strange, and to tell you the truth I have NO idea what it is all about. Maybe this is why they got mad at Stehly, she was interrupting the bus schedule for the city directors that had to catch a bus.

As I have said in the past, anyone who works for the city or is elected is getting paid to be at these meetings, there are no time limits. If they start to go long they can always be postponed.