Mr. Yellow and not Mellow


In the things we miss but others report to us the  glorious and exalted leader of the Sioux Falls City Council (in his mind anyway) decided to be a smart ass at a pretty luncheon on Thursday September 22, 2016.

During a special CVB luncheon & meeting being held at the Sanford Pentagon, Rex Rolfing decided to brag about “his” soccer tournaments coming to Sioux Falls next summer.

To start the soccer presentation he thought he was in charge at Carnegie.

Seeing Theresa Stehly was not in the room and him never being mellow but quite yellow when the coast is clear, decided to start by calling the meeting to order.  His method? He repeatedly slammed his empty pop bottle like a gavel on his table top. Making a lot of noise as he called his meeting to order.

Someone in the room shouted “You’re out of order!” There was an uncomfortable chuckle in the room and likely two embarrassed City Council members.

Mr. Mellow and Yellow just shook his head and said “I’m just practicing for next week” as he finished. The crowd did not appreciate it.

What was even more embarrassing about this lack of decorum, this was a very special event being put on to show off the Pentagon to the hospitality industry. Our Rex was an ass and not even apologetic as he finished.

By the way if you need rooms for next summer, Rex made sure everyone there knew all Sioux Falls hotel rooms next summer were for his needs during the tournaments not your family reunions. Thanks hotel Czar.

 What a sick man.

Back to the Plantation & Whips, September 20, 2016

Before getting back to basics on budget night, the citizens who witnessed the earlier shameful Rolfing power play and the cowardly behavior of some of Stehly’s “colleagues” decided to let the large in-house crowd and the massive viewing audience in on the joke called Sioux Falls City Council. September 20, 2016 will be remembered for what NOT to do to your fellow member. The speakers reminded them.

Did we witness, how to be a turncoat just because? We’ll put it out there as a question which only can be answered by the offending member(s). The public input speakers got it. The audience got it. The massive number of people watching TV, CityLink, internet and more could not believe what they saw when they got it.

Should we be ashamed of the help given to certain people in the recent campaign? We’ll decide because we all must decide. Trust built on pledges and promises is hard to earn back when lost.

Tim Stanga was eloquent. June Staggers started off the festivities with a quiet dignity. Our own L3wis took us down memory lane while the clerk’s staff got David Zokaties PowerPoint running. Did Sierra let the Council know they should be taking sensitivity training in Pierre also? If not, it is a great thought though.

Cameraman Bruce just wanted to know if the Mayor, Kiley and Rolfing got out their whips to beat down the plantation inferiors, trying to get them back in line for work. Did they get upset when a couple of them didn’t line up?

Everyone should be calling and emailing Rex Rolfing at Phone: 367-8808 and email: rrolfing@siouxfalls.org to let him know what kind of person he was and will remain in our hearts.

The Village Idiot calls Stehly a Lone Wolf


Since I have been writing this blog, I have been a strong advocate for open government, transparency and 1st Amendment free speech rights. I think you all know that. We may not always agree on what people have to say, but we have that right.

Theresa defended that Tuesday afternoon.

But to call Theresa a ‘Lone Wolf’ is the furthest thing from the truth. She has formed coalitions in every political activity she has been involved with. She has embraced the community and worked for them. It is no secret why Theresa is sitting on the council, because of her community involvement and sticking up for the little guy. I would call her ‘Mother Wolf’ before I would ever call her ‘Lone Wolf’.

Gawd, Rex, what the heck is wrong with you? Seriously Dude?!

Ironically, while everyone wants to blame her for the ‘drama’ if Rolfing would have just let her speak and not gaveled her (there was NOTHING confidential in what she was saying) there would have been no drama. And the chickensh*t council just sat there and let it happen. Wow!

As a citizen we have a right to transparency, the Argus Leader is in the middle of a lawsuit right now with the city over it. We talk often about transparency in our government, we get no where.

I know about the charges lobbed at Theresa (a butt hurt Chief of Police and moving chairs around Carnegie because of the 911 aniversary), they are petty, in fact not even worthy of blogging about, or an ethics charge, just prattle from perfect hair Mike.

This of course is NOT over, chickensh*ts and idiots get emboldened when they are embarrassed. They have there resources, and we have ours. You want a fight on transparency? You are going to get it. You are going to lose, big time.

First off, props to Cameraman Bruce and our credit on the video. Our cameras are always rolling.

Should the city gift the old ice complex to the Glory House?


As I argued last night at the city council meeting during public input, the city would have true value in the old building by selling it or gifting it to the Glory House;

“One of the options is to allow the Glory House to expand. The Glory House is just adjacent to this piece of property,” Starr said.

The Glory House, which helps former inmates find jobs to get back on their feet and transition back into society, is already working with a developer to tear down the old building and construct 50 to 75 affordable housing units here.

“Over 80% of the people who graduate from the Glory House have full time jobs, what they’re having difficulties with is being able to find a place to live,” Starr said.

“We’re not in the land speculating business, we’re in the human services business as far as I’m concerned,” Starr said.

As I said last night, this is truly a ‘value’ issue for taxpayers. By keeping former ex-cons out of jail, we save the taxpayers money, a lot of money. It only makes sense to sell them the property. Even Erpenbach nodded her head at me in agreement while speaking of the issue. I think this will get a majority of the council to approve this sale. Ironically, while everyone is throwing Stehly under the bus, her and Starr were the first to look into this issue.