What do you think of a public property smoking ban?

Once again, department heads are ‘playing god’ and proposing ordinances without the input of the city’s legislative branch, the city council. Instead they put together some pretty presentations and try to push it through.

Presentation Doc: smoking-pres

Ordinance Doc: smoking-ord

I’m kind of on the fence on this one. While I supported the smoking ban in bars due to the health of workers, I question making a ‘legal product’ OUTSIDE in public spaces illegal or even enforceable. No question smoking kills more people in America then anything. I have often wondered then ‘Why not just make tobacco products illegal all together?’ instead of piddling with more laws limiting a legal product.

While we will hear several arguments about not being allowed to smoke outside the EC and in public parks, the big kicker will be at downtown patios. Businesses currently buy a special permit to have those patios, it is city property (public property). From what I can tell two downtown business owners allow smoking on their patios, Stogeez and Lucky’s. While Lucky’s doesn’t have a special state permit to allow smoking inside their establishment, Stogeez does. But will they be allowed to use that special permit to allow smoking on their patio that is city owned public property?

City Property. All property owned, leased, or operated by the city, including but not limited to all city parks; city golf courses; city buildings; any ticket, boarding, and waiting areas of any public transit depots; public parking strip; and any public sidewalks abutting any city property.

Section 3. That the Code of Ordinances of Sioux Falls, SD, are hereby amended by adding a section to be numbered 92.211 to read:

§ 92.211 Prohibited Conduct.

That the use of tobacco products and electronic smoking devices is hereby prohibited on any city property.

I’m sure we will be hearing from Stogeez owner, Tim Kant on this one.

Speaking of ignorant votes, the Minnehaha County Commission delivers

Seems the Minnehaha County Commission is taking some moves from Councilor Erpenbach, bitching and complaining about an agenda item that is not working, costing us to much or both, then voting for it anyway. While they all admitted that Dr. Luther isn’t really doing anything for the $30K a year he has received over the past decade, they let him have it again;

All five members of the County Commission raised or acknowledge questions about Luther’s responsibilities at a 2017 budget hearing Wednesday, but Barth was the only member who voted to eliminate the position.

The commission moved instead to extend Luther’s contract one more year as the county pursues a broader study of how rural ambulance services are assigned and regulated.

And let’s talk about duplicity, the city pays over $100K a year for the same service. Why are the taxpayers paying for a service that a private ambulance company is making a profit from? Shouldn’t they be paying fees that supplement his inspection and quality assurance?

Either way, this further proves why we have such a fiasco with our city provided ambulance, why does the city continue to fund this joke of quality assurance;

“It’s our fault we didn’t get more of that money,” Barth said. “It’s our fault we didn’t demand more, it’s our fault that we continue to pay him for this fruitless endeavor.”

And the ignorance continues.

Our city council is a rainbow of colors

I’ve been following local politics for over 12 years. Something I have tried to grasp is that ‘votes are votes’. You can’t pin political motives, intentions or personalities on single votes. It’s ignorant and doesn’t help the process. It’s what the extremists in the two major parties do. They suck.

You have a right to be down right pissed off by a vote. City councilors that I have respected throughout the years have voted in ways I thought ignorant. I have probably disagreed with Greg Jamison, Kenny Anderson and Kermit Staggers more times then I have agreed, but guess what, I have also built bridges with them.

While councilor Erickson has been at this for 2 years, and has flipped votes many times, Selberg and Neitzert, are new at this, and learning their sea legs.

I am not going to defend the reasons they voted against an advisory election, I get why they did, I just don’t agree. But I also understand, the citizens of this city may need their vote on other issues some day. So why would we throw the baby out with the bath water?

I get the citizens frustration, but like rolling dice, things don’t always go your way. Erickson, Neitzert and Selberg had their reasons to vote against the election. Oh well, they have to own that, but I’m not going to disown them as city councilors because of it. Heck, even Erpenbach pulls through sometime.

I encourage any citizen who may be upset with them about the vote to chill out and look at the big picture. Politics are politics and people are people. Both come in different colors and stripes. Deal with it. Their is only one direction, forward.