Marsy’s Law Amendment S at IPC 2016-09-15

Marsy’s law is a solution looking for a problem. Everything needed for “victims” rights is already in the US and State constitutions. This is a vengeance and hate amendment to further the wounding of our society.

After years of Rockefeller drug laws, private prisons and abusive zealots we now can have over reaction mixed with over reach to finish off our society.

There is a way to solve most of our crime issues, education and fair pay. Geez, when do you think it will be tried?

This video has Jason Glodt and Ryan Kolbeck hitting the talking points of Amendment S or Marsy’s Law at the Sioux Falls League of Women Voters Issues debate in Sioux Falls.


Anti-Corruption Act Measure 22 at IPC 2016-09-15

One party rule, combined with unknown unknowns mixed with interesting ethics issues and what can we South Dakotans do about it? Why is the major force fighting initiated measure to 22 to revise State campaign finance and lobbying laws, create a publicly funded campaign finance program, create an ethics commission, and appropriate funds to pay a paid Koch Brothers – Americans for Progress advocate?

Look at the proponents and see people shut out of government for almost 40 years because they are not connected to the halls of power for various reasons. In this video we have Darrell Solberg, a Sioux Falls small business owner squaring off against Ben Lee, a representative of the one of the richest groups in America, An interesting mix at the Sioux Falls IPC on September 15, 2016 League of Women Voters issues debate.

They fight because they have the money to run over us and we the people fight because we must to survive.


A tribute to former Firefighter Bob Sivertson

Another member of heady daze of 1970’s Democratic power has passed and his friend Jim Powers reminds us of his friend Robert Sivertson.

Just before Powers started his September 16, 2016 scheduled Sioux Falls Democratic Forum on talk, he reminded us of Sivertson’s place in South Dakota legislative history.

Cameraman Bruce spent many hours campaigning with Sivertson and his Democratic majority partners back then. We all should appreciate what they tried to do to move the state out or the scandals and problems of the past.

We have Open Meetings and Records laws, an updated, less confusing SD Constitution and something I know looking at the mess it is in now, a more streamlined state government bureaucracy.


Business Journal Editor opposes the proposed city administration building plan

It’s no secret that Ms. Schwan was opposed the current ‘plan’. On her ‘100 Eyes on Business’ show with Lalley she spoke out that it wasn’t a plan that would spur economic development. At that time she stated if it was a private office space, maybe, like Docutap.

Then she did some digging around.

Last week Jodi emailed me with a simple question, “Who is moving into the new building at what are the floorplans?” I pretty much confessed that the employees moving into the building is a mystery, except for some rumblings about the engineering department.

Then she did some more digging;

And there, sitting right on top, was one of the reports I had felt was worth saving: an analysis that recommended how to address adding office space for city government.

“Office Space Utilization Analysis,” read the report, dated 2008 and completed by The Winkels Group. Inside was a detailed analysis of current and projected city office space needs as well as phased recommendations starting that year and continuing potentially through 2025.

Please continue;

In fairness, rough plans for the new administrative building show similar counters. But that doesn’t compensate for further separating city staff and surely causing confusion for the public. It is quite possible that someone needing to resolve an issue could have to visit both City Hall and the new administration building – and perhaps go back and forth multiple times between the two.

This is only a small part of what contractors, architects and developers were telling us while standing at the back door of the County Admin building. They also need to go to the county several time to get the planning work done. One contractor told us of six trips between the county and city to just build a small project, still not done because of the countering issues of dealing with both. The people we talked with wanted to have a way to simplify the process and the new city admin building actually makes their work harder.

I guess I just don’t see or feel the rush to start this building project, especially given that borrowing the money is the proposed funding solution – and we’ve borrowed more money than ever before over the past few years.

I feel more comfortable risking a slightly higher interest rate environment than I do obligating more sales tax right now to repay bonds at a time the city is already cutting back on other expenses. But that’s just me.

And that’s just it, economically, the plan just doesn’t add up. Most support having more administration space, but this plan falls flat on it’s face. Don’t take my word on it, just ask Jodi.

Car Dealership tears out wetlands after promising SON neighborhood they would not


A before and after pictures of Charis corner when an ‘Act of God’ occurs (85th and Audie)

In all fairness nothing under the eyes of the law was done illegally. The car dealership (well at least its owner) got permission from the CORP of Engineers and SF planning department to tear out the wetland behind the dealership and adjacent to the SON neighborhood. The proper forms were filled out.
But according to those who live in the neighborhood, that wasn’t supposed to be the case. There was a promise while developing the car dealership lot that they would leave the wetlands, even improve the look of them, now they are saying they are going to ‘put up a big fountain’. Whatever that means.
This a prime example of how those in power use the back door of government and loopholes to do whatever they want to. Besides the CORP approving this, the city should have never allowed the wetland that served as a retention pond to be torn out knowing the issues with drainage in the neighborhood.
Our planning department is increasingly becoming the laughing stock of our city.