My butt feels a lot better then it did on Saturday and Sunday. Man! Mark and Dennis wear some big shoes!
Make no mistake, Mr. Wollmann cut and run just as soon as he could pull the boots out of his ass;
In a statement released Monday House leaders say, “The South Dakota State legislature, like any other organization, is comprised of human beings. Consequently, we will experience human failure and imperfection. Every legislator has an obligation to refrain from behavior unbecoming to the Legislature and inconsistent with maintaining the public’s trust.â€
House leaders also say they will be meeting over the coming weeks with legislators, current interns and legislative staff to discuss any improvements they can make in the legislator and employee training.
Nice (BS) statement. Try to quickly sweep this under the rug before people start asking real questions, like how this has been going on since the 1960’s, or why a governor’s cabinet member was let go? The SD GOP is quick to bury their own when they are trying to cover up there scandalous institution. Besides, how can you justify repealing an ethics law the voters passed when you are being unethical yourself? Watch a bunch of scum.
Never saw Bill Clinton resign. Oh, yea, that was different.
Mr. Wollman was intimate with a woman close to his age. The relationship was consensual. Apparently, you can’t be intimate with your girlfriend in Pierre. I commend him for resigning but is this matter more political sabotage than ethics? No wonder it’s hard to find someone to run for state office. Men should stay home. Then only 2 bathrooms, women and LBGT without junk.
What….So they push him out and your outraged and if he allowed to stay you would have been outraged.
Where was your morale compass pointed when this happened?
Got that party politics bug again?
Enquiring minds want to know … is Wollmann’s fiancée also one of the interns?