South DaCola

I’m still baffled how this guy got more votes then Michael Saba

After listening to Mr. Clark try to mumble through his interview with B-N-B, one wonders how such an unknown could have taken more votes then Saba. He doesn’t even understand that road monies that come from taxes on vehicles, registration and gas are for fixing roads. He suggests we should spend that money on fixing up private and abandoned railroad infrastructure. First off, not even lawfully possible and secondly the railroads are private. Besides the Federal easement of land, they are responsible for fixing their own tracks.

I still believe that the story Dana Ferguson did on Saba saying he was a Muslim using one source (from a Republican) really hurt him. Saba has said to me that he wasn’t offended to be called a Muslim, but it was a disservice to call him something he is not.

It’s going to be another thrilling legislative session.

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