South DaCola

Is there something else going on with the ‘Badlands’ businesses

First off Mr. Brennan claims he has to pull up shop of DLC and his businesses because of the success of the 36% cap passing. This may well be true.

The news media has reported that it may be that the Badlands businesses may not have been viable on there own. This may well be also true.

But could there be a third scenario? As Brennan has said, he has to close not only his DLC’s in South Dakota but his businesses.

Is what he is really saying, as the media has suggested that the DLC in South Dakota was floating his Badland businesses because they could not float themselves?

But the bigger question is, can business A float business B legally (for tax purposes, losses, profits, etc.) if they are owned by the same person but under different umbrellas?

Don’t know, but one wonders if the IRS is asking the same questions.

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