South DaCola

New Siouxland Library Director admits being a 30 year resident of Minnesota with no intentions of moving to SD.

Well, I would have to give Jodi Fick a gold star for honesty. After being voted in by the Sioux Falls city council tonight she freely admits she is a 30 year resident of Minnesota, though she calls Sioux Falls her home, she will gladly keep commuting. She gave this information freely without anyone asking. (Go to last item on agenda).

I suggested a couple of months ago to a city councilor that SFPD and SFFD and all city managers and directors should be Sioux Falls residents (mainly for safety reasons and being on call). But you could also probably say that about most city employees. It would be a simple ordinance change, and you could grandfather in current out-of-town employees, and only apply to new employees that would be willing to move to SF within 90 days of their hire date.

In Fick’s defense, she very well could live anywhere in Minnehaha County because she is also a county employee, but at least SD.

Why do I think this important? Besides the safety of having city employees close to their work, it has to do with tax base. Do you think it is fair for someone making 6 figures a year from our tax dollars isn’t contributing to her own wage and tax base?

Maybe I am making mountains out of mole hills, what do you think?

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