South DaCola

Public Input ‘Cookie Night’ – Jan 3, 2017

2017-01-03 - Cookie night at Council

It was Cookie Night at Sioux Falls City Council and most of you missed it. We even had morsels of goodness from many sources of joy to go with it. David Zokaites greeted the new year with chocolate chips for all. Our esteemed leader announced he had two as he left the Sioux Falls City Council meeting on January 3, 2017.

Besides David and his cookies we heard from John Matthius discuss the McKennan Park monster house issue with the courtroom decision. Kermit Staggers graced us with his desire for the Council to bring more transparency to city government. Our own Cameraman Bruce thanked city public works department employees for the Christmas water main repairs plus the patch job on the rusty, oozing Events Center. How about Sierra, she brings so much new information to the public through her inputs. Why don’t law enforcement get there first?

It looks like 2017 is going off to a great start, keep checking back!

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