(Image: KSFY) Crap, Bridget busted me, what is that saying I learned from theatre class?

Oh the irony of dragging Nesiba through the mud for having an adult sexual relationship but the smoke and mirrors being put up with Wollman that he is such an angel because he admitted to it.

I believe Wollman that it was consensual, but it was not professional. Notice how HE lies at first to KSFY, then realizes he is busted since so many people blew the whistle on him, then decides to tell the truth (thinking) KSFY wouldn’t publish the first part of the interview. While all these people want to give Wollman credit for being honest, as you can see, he had no choice. If no one would have tipped off the press, Wollman probably would have never said anything.

Besides the lying, and unprofessionalism, I also thought it was improper for him to NOT inform the two young ladies he had sex with before spilling the beans to the press (on the fly). That’s all we need is another congressional hearing about touching wieners.

We will see if the Republicans realize he really screwed up and punish him or sweep it under the rug like IM22, EB-5, Gear-UP, Native Foster Kids, etc, etc, etc.

The irony is it shows what are lawmakers are really up to in Pierre. F’ing around.

5 Thoughts on “Sexy Lawmakers?

  1. All I can say is Pierre and Ft. Pierre have been known for this since the capital was established there. Pages talked of special legislative rides to the dam when I worked out there 4 decades ago. Living arrangements were tightened up to prevent some of the temptations. I guess these restrictions didn’t stick.

  2. The D@ily Spin on January 19, 2017 at 9:22 am said:

    Sex and a Republican! That’s reserved for Democrats.

  3. . . . and still no mention of why Jason Dilges was fired.

  4. anominous on January 19, 2017 at 10:43 am said:

    Is this the republican legislator who was giving everyone VD out there?

  5. Why is it, that so often when a politician has these types of troubles that his fellow politicians are quick to act, but when it comes to corruption in government, the inquire seldom goes beyond the associates of politicians and hardly ever the politicians themselves?

    Perhaps, it is another example of image trumping substance. Where our politicians are quick to preserve their common image, but falter in preserving our system, which falls constant victim to the abuses of power, which some of our political leaders are often quick to try to gain from personally… And when there is trouble of that sort, corruption that is, our political leaders are apparently quick to preserve the substantive ways of their abuses by deflecting the ill upon the others or should we say their associates….

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