South DaCola

Development Expert makes some interesting points about DTSF

I don’t agree with all of his recommendations, but;

“Your parking meters may need to be in effect until 7 or 8:00 at night, rather than 5:00. They should probably be in effect on Saturday. This is the only city I’ve ever seen where you have free parking on Saturday,” Gibbs said.

I don’t agree with that. I have often suggested that we should only charge for the on-street parking and the ramps should be free and charge more for the meters. I think the times are fine. There is nothing that pisses me off more then parking in a larger city like Minneapolis and having to pay for parking 24/7. It doesn’t encourage tourism.

Gibbs also thinks the streets should be narrower, and the traffic should go slower.

“I was almost hit by cars two times,” Gibbs said.

He believes the city should eliminate the one-way streets in the downtown area.

I agree 100%. The one-way’s Downtown are a pain in the ass and actually make finding parking time consuming and difficult. I also agree with the safety factor for peds.

Gibbs says the downtown area could be three or four times the size it currently is.

He is right. Ft. Collins downtown is much larger and they have the same population as Sioux Falls. They also have more entertainment/hospitality and less dress and cupcake stores.

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