The answer is ‘YES’ according to an Argus Leader employee. They plan to Livestream and Record the Parks Board and REMSA meetings from now on. This of course is to pressure the Mayor to change his mind about recording the meetings for the sake of transparency.

There is state law from 1974 that says anyone can record government meetings in South Dakota (as long as it is NOT an executive session).

Remember, this is about transparency for the citizenry, not for the protection of board members. King Huether just doesn’t get it.

3 Thoughts on “Is the Argus planning to Livestream/record city board meetings?

  1. The D@ily Spin on February 1, 2017 at 4:20 pm said:

    Bravo Argus Leader. They seem to realize city irregularities. They took the city to court recently about the EC. I’d like to see TV reporters investigating the city. Everything about city government is suspicious. Debt is half a billion dollars. Contracts are awarded without council approval. Strong Mayor is out of control.

  2. i bet mmm read his good friend stu the riot act when he found out.

  3. I have had thanks from board members for being there and then posting their meetings. The recordings protect the members.

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