South DaCola

Is the School District still using trickery to change the school start date?

We will have a video up soon of the meeting last night.

I think it was obvious why this went to the ballot to begin with, the district did not want to compromise (start school the final Monday in August). It sounds like what parents want anyway;

“The last Monday in August for example, the week right before Labor Day is to me I think a good compromise. I think we need to keep talking and giving more creative ideas because I just think there’s more than one way for it to work out,” Sorensen said.

Of course the students feel like they are being left out. Well, you should be, unless you are of voting age. First off, because of the obvious, you are not funding your education, the voters are, and secondly, it seems a bit selfish to make it about ‘YOU’ the school start date also affects future students, but most importantly it affects seasonal businesses, grandparents (who provide childcare) and other folks who may not have children in the school district but do fund the system.

Hopefully the school board will grow a brain this time around and listen to THE VOTERS (parents included) and not the whining of a handful of AP students and AP teachers.

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