Don’t want to annex, we will get you another way;

That’s the month their sewer bills will jump from $100 to $235 a month.

The price is connected to unpaid pumping charges incurred by the Prairie Meadows Sanitary District in the area, which has long been a target for city annexation.

The Feb. 16 letter announcing the hike said the money would also cover “engineering and other legal costs” and to create a maintenance fund.

 “It’s just unreal,” said Lance Grasma, who called Argus Leader Media about the letter. “That’s like a car payment.”

Some neighbors see the price hike as a pressure tactic to push annexation, which could cost homeowners in the rural residential island on the city’s western edge tens of thousands of dollars in curb and gutter.

While I can see why the city wants to annex the island, the price tag is way to high. I think they should charge them all $1000 a year for the next 20 years and leave it at that. Anything else, the city should just absorb. If I have to pay a mortgage on a building I will never step foot in so the masses can be entertained by another doofus in a cowboy hat, I certainly don’t have a problem with footing the bill for some curb and gutter.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “More bullying by the city”
  1. I once employed guy who lives in this neighborhood. He would often brag about not paying city taxes.

    Your dumbass’s had your chance to work a deal on the curb and gutter. Its was a reasonable offer, rates which all of us homeowners paid for our city infrastructure when we purchased our homes.

    If you didn’t ant to be a part of the city progress, you should have purchased the land around you and incorporated. West fargo comes to mind.

    It’s a bit like a moron who declares himself emancipated from the US government and decides he’s not paying taxes anymore. We are a society with laws and obligations. If you decide your not apart of this society, hire a house mover and get the fuck out.

  2. So – essentially – you are advocating a TIF for this poorly designed and developed neighborhood. See how you are?

  3. While I will agree with a lot of what you are saying, I think the frustration comes from the different terms the city has presented back and forth with them. There certainly wasn’t a uniform process and that is what pisses them off. I think they realize they will eventually have to pay the piper, but it should be equitable to what others have paid with similar annexations.

  4. If they’re not in the city, they’re not subject to not being able to appeal into circuit court. This could become a lawsuit the incompetent city attorney would use a private contractor for. Is it worth the litigation? At these prices, they could opt out and go septic. The city is not known for common sense.

  5. Lj, I really doubt a yone moved into Prairie Meadows with the intention of being anti social, or anti anything as far as that goes. When they bought in, odds are real good they bought into a mortgage with the same type home, and same price as the neigbor across the strett who has curb and gutter. To now take a $200,000 home, and slap it with a $50 to $100k curb and gutter charge because our city needs added revenue to pay for playthings that sales tax revenue cannot keep up with is just flat wrong on so nany levels.

    Maybe you’d like to go out there, knock on all those doors and tell the anti social homeowners to just get the fuck out. Not gonna be that easy.

  6. You must be kidding right? They’ve been sitting on the edge of town using the playthings but not paying for them. Paying for shit you may not agree with is being a responsible part of community. essentially the’ve been living next to the drive in theater but never paying to watch the showings. Their a gaggle of freeloaders.

    The curb and gutter bid also included a complete overhaul of the sewer and it was to be paid over several years.

    Nope telling them to get out isn’t nessacary. $235 a month sewer is pretty much the equivalent. Good luck selling that house now. If you don’t wan to pay to shit in a civilized society, shit in an outhouse or move along.

  7. I would not call a $100 a month sewer bill taking advantage of the city. The $235 a month is nothing more than extortion in search of the bigger prize. The very large for profit curb and gutter install.

  8. If you check there was a South Dakota state supreme court case that said if the city wants to put in curb and gutter and charge the home owner it has to prove it increases the value of your property.

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