South DaCola

UPDATE: Sioux Falls City Council Meetings TONIGHT (Monday)

UPDATE: The City Council didn’t get the 6 votes needed to overturn the Mayor’s VETO on transparency. The Patsy Three; Rolfing, Kiley and Erpenbach voted with mayor, but not before some bizarre public input from parks board members about being scared of cameras. But I will applaud councilors for letting the mayor and the Patsy 3 have it before the vote. Especially Councilor Neitzert who called the VETO indefensible and Erickson saying it was a frivolous use of the VETO pen.

The city council had a change of scheduling due to visiting the legislature tomorrow.

But they still have a busy agenda. During the informational, they will be briefed on Police Union wage negotiations, re-districting, downtown parking ramp and legislative update. It all must be pretty top secret, because there is only supporting documents in SIRE about re-districting. You know, that whole ‘transparency being a slippery slope’ thingy.

Speaking of slippery slopes, they decided to NOT livestream and record the Fiscal Committee, even though they will all be present in Carnegie for the meeting anyway after the informational. They are calling it a ‘work session’. Guess what, that is what a committee meeting is anyway, a council work session. Not sure why we can’t record a meeting about giving money to a non-profit?

During the City Council meeting they will take up the mayor’s veto on recording meeting. Don’t expect the vote to change. The Patsy Three will probably vote with the mayor upholding his idiotic VETO against open government. Pretty scary that out of 8 city councilors 3 of them are for closed and secretive government. Passing the recording ordinance should have been a slam dunk.

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