South DaCola

Apparently KSFY has become Huether’s official ‘Higher Office’ campaign propaganda network

After he officially announces, he can no longer use CityLink to campaign. Thats means NO more ‘Ask the Mayor’ or ‘Shut Up and Listen sessions’ or press conferences for that matter. In fact, after his March 28th city address, Mike really can’t appear on CityLink anymore unless it is a regular city council meeting (and I would highly suggest the city council after picking new leadership in May that they start running those meetings and respectfully ask the mayor to sit in the audience and only participate if needed to break a tie, in which he would have to walk to the podium to do so.) It is against state law for the mayor or any elected official for that matter, to use tax payer funded media to campaign. I really think this is why Mike is dragging his feet as much as possible. He has been enjoying the press, that will soon end, and the REAL ‘HURT’ will start;

Another challenge, she says, is the criticism.

“When someone is in public service, they’re doing what they think is best for people. I don’t think people understand that sometimes. They say mean, hurtful things that they don’t always realize that we are people and that you still feel bad when people say these things. I think now, we see it worldwide with social media. People never have to face someone and tell them things. They always hide behind social media. That’s a real hard part. He takes it better than the rest of the family. That’s been hard. Through the years you realize that’s part of the deal,” Cindy said.

Stop picking on my Poo Bear! As I told a foot soldier last week, ‘If Mike thinks I’m hard on him, wait until he has the full force of the Online SD Republican hate machine breathing down his back and watching his every move as he runs for higher office. Also, don’t forget about all the Dems that supported him in the past that he took a crap on.

He will be begging Detroit Lewis to write a scathing article about snow gates or pot holes.

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