South DaCola

City Rental Registry should be voluntary, but does it really matter

There is definitely some benefits to registering, especially when it comes to drug free housing OR nuances. But some landlords may work on a handshake agreement with a renter, and it really isn’t the city’s business who they are renting to. It really goes back to the difficulty some people have in finding housing in Sioux Falls, and regulations add cost to rent;

Tobias told city councilors Tuesday that the registry is essential to his office’s efforts at enforcing various codes, including shoveling walks and mowing grass. Tenants might not notify a landlord if they receive a notice of a violation. But if the city knows a property is a rental, the city can contact the property owner directly.

But does this registration really matter when it would be very simple for the city to determine who has rental property, as a commenter points out in the story;

Seems to me if the city worked with the county, who knows if each property is taking the “owner occupied” tax deduction they should easily be able to know who is responsible for the maintenance of the property.

That of course would require the city to work with the county. But I don’t think they want to make it that easy, I think they want Landlords to fill out a form so they can nose around a little bit more.

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