South DaCola

Dan Letellier at Democratic Forum, 3/24/2017

Dan, Executive Director of the SF Airport Authority was the guest at Forum today (we should have video up soon). He gave a great presentation of some of the things going on at the airport. I also appreciated his truthfulness in answering questions, and NOT dodging them. It was refreshing to see someone in a leadership role with some integrity.

One of the highlights was when he presented the future parking ramp. They plan to have it finished by 2021. It will be 4 stories and 1,100 spaces. The cost? About $20,000 a space (which is a common going rate). Ironically, the parking ramp Downtown that will have a tenant on it, will cost us about $25,000 a space. Things that make you go Hmmmm.

I asked Dan about the low wages the airlines pay to employees at the airport and if the Airport Authority had any control of those wages (between $9-11 an hour). He said unfortunately they do not, and he was frustrated by the low wages the airlines pay, because it effects customer service. He said the airport has even explored hiring their OWN ground crew so they could get around some of the poor service issues. He said cities like San Francisco and Seattle actually mandate a certain wage is paid. I asked him if our city council and mayor could do the same, he was unsure.

I have suggested that the next mayor and city council pass a city ordinance that mandates a business to pay at least $10 an hour minimum wage within the city limits. Ironically the city pays some seasonal workers under $10 an hour.

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