Interesting that they haven’t shown what they intend to do with the property (Item#14);

Live-Work District

The applicant has provided information on the type of uses that will be encouraged as part of the Live Work zoning classification to include:

• Mixed-Use Projects (retail/office on the main level, with lofts above)

• Office

• Medical Offices/Clinics

• Senior Housing, including medium-density family housing

• Non-Profit Center

• Community Center

• Small Retail

• Church

• Schools, Education Facility

• Public Park

• Twin Homes/Townhomes

At this time, a specific development plan has not been provided by the applicant, however staff has prepared a concept plan based on discussions with the applicant and neighborhood representatives.

I guess we will wait and see what they plan to do with the land.

By l3wis

One thought on “Lacey Neighborhood Re-Zone back at the Planning Commission”
  1. The concept plan is just a very general “sort of like this kinda stuff” thing. It’s just to allow the commission to wonder – Hmmm, would something like this work here?” The next step, IF the commissions says “Well, maybe. So, show us more.” is to develop a “preliminary plan”. THAT will show , more detailed description of the specific street and use layouts. THAT plan is subject to engineering staff review for compliance and conformance. It’s a long process.

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