South DaCola

Lincoln County Commissioner, Dan King, gets his ‘Trump’ on

Dan, turn off the FOX news, take a deep breath, and relax;

Not to mention, for some of you, I imagine there is motivation to mix income groups in order to infuse more liberal voting blocs throughout the city. Low income housing, scattered around the edges of much higher income populations is one form of redistricting that the subsidized developers and property managers are more than motivated to help with. If you get enough of this stuff going on the edges, you can guarantee a diffused conservative voting population in time.

Once you finish laughing hysterically, you have to realize, this is coming from a guy who compares bicyclists who ride on paved roads to chicken eggs. I have seen Mr. King in action at a Lincoln County Commission meeting, and I have seen and heard his constituents, no surprise he got elected.

First off, most younger voters who preside in apartments DON’T VOTE or their registration address is outdated. Secondly, Dan might be surprised to find that their are quite a few registered younger conservatives.

“I’m looking at what’s in the best interest of property owners and what the ordinance says,” Starr said. “There’s no liberal conspiracy going on and I find it highly offensive that he would suggest that.”

While I agree with Pat, what offends me more is that such prejudice morons get elected to office, but spend a day in some Canton coffee shops, and you will understand why.


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