Geez, if this is all it takes . . .

“Since election, Mayor Toomey has exhibited GROSS INCOMPETENCE to fulfill the duties and obligation of the office of mayor and/or his display habitual intoxication or DRUNKENESS which deems him unfit for the office and subject to removal.”

. . we could have recalled our mayor on a whole host of things, but mostly the lying, the lying and the lying.

One Thought on “Mitchell recalling mayor for being a Drunk A-Hole

  1. The D@ily Spin on March 10, 2017 at 8:16 pm said:

    He should be recruited for Sioux Falls mayor. Can’t be worse than the present narcissist. The next term will be answering for city debt and crime. It’s going to take a drunken derelict to serve through the recovery two terms.

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