South DaCola

Sioux Falls Planning Commission approves housing project with traffic issues

Under the direction of a Planning Department employee that must remain unnamed (Jeffrey), the planning commission kicked the can down the road to the city council without putting traffic conditions on the project. (Item #9, FF: 17:00 )The neighbors requested a deferral so the traffic could be looked at before Planning Commission approval, but for some strange reason, Jeffrey popped up from his seat in the audience and pretty much said all of that was taken care of and it was up to the city council to address those issues no matter what the commission did. The commission approved it 5-0. So now it is up to the Council to once again deal with the mess that is dealt to them by the planning commission and mostly planning staff, and mostly Mr. Schmidt.

In reality, the Planning Staff should have had all of this taken care of before even presenting it to the Commission and the Council, and now it will be an 11th hour pissing match at the council meeting, once again.

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