South DaCola

What happened to the denied raises budgeted to the City Unions?

Remember the argument the city unions gave to proactively pay them? They said the money had already been budgeted. In other words the approximately $150K was already sitting in the account.

As the mayor reported on B-N-B’s show this morning, a resource officer at a local school recently shrugged off the mayor and wouldn’t look at him. Gee, I wonder why?

So what happens with the money now? I asked a local reporter and several city councilors to ask the same question several weeks ago, and haven’t gotten an answer.

One of the councilors had the idea of using the extra money on some training programs within the Police Department.

Not sure where it is, but I am still waiting on an answer, because knowing this mayor and administration, it certainly didn’t go back into the reserves, it got distributed, but if not to the unions, then to who?

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