The city of Sioux Falls put our RFQ’s for the Railroad Redevelopment District, and guess who made the list?

On March 23, 2017, in response to the RFQ, the City received six unique submittals that conveyed the qualifications of several interested entities. The six entities are:

  • 8th & Railroad LLC
  • Inland Development Partners
  • Legacy Development & Consulting Company LLC
  • Lloyd Companies
  • Pendar Properties/Cherapa
  • Smart.Visions LLC

An invitation to participate in an upcoming request for proposals is expected to be extended to selected submissions this spring, and the first official development will be announced this summer.

I guess being investigated by a Federal Safety organization doesn’t disqualify you for MORE city projects.

By l3wis

7 thoughts on “With an open OSHA investigation, city still considers RFQ’s from Legacy”
  1. Who are the Legacy investors?…… Legacy should not be considered for any new contracts with the City at this time. Legacy should be held in analogous “time out” or under “administrative leave,” when it comes to further contracts with the City until final notice from the OSHA findings and any possible grand jury and its findings are concluded…..

    For the City to invite a bid from Legacy at this time is like NASA continuing the Space Shuttle program after the Challenger disaster, while it was still yet to have discovered the o-ring issue, or if the airline industry was to continue to fly DC-10s under FAA permission even though a potential pylon crack problem had been discovered. Accept in this case, Legacy’s premier contractor, which was working on the collapsed building, was already known to have done incorrect and non inspected work at the PAVE site and had boosted on Facebook, just hours before the collapse, about taking down a load bearing wall at the collapse site, though without the proper permits…..and to think that the City allows for business as usual after all of this is unbelievable…..

    That is why it is imperative that the investors be made known publicly. It is no longer a private matter. It is now a pubic matter. It is Transparency 101.

    Many of us remember the Williams Pipeline problems that the City of Sioux Falls had with that company back in the 1980s. Image during that time frame, if the City was willing to accept bids or allow for new easement gas and oil lines through the City by that company. I do not think it would have happen. So why is this apologist attitude towards Legacy by the City happening now?

    This is definitely an issue which needs to be raised by 2018 mayoral candidates from here on out…..

  2. ‘any possible grand jury’

    That’s the rumor that is circulating around town. The hearings are rumored to begin next week. Unfortunately, I don’t have enough sources at this point to say more.

  3. Well, in December the State’s Attorney said on KELO that he was waiting or watching for the OSHA results. So I would be surprised if anything happens until OSHA makes public their findings, which I believe are scheduled for April, which I guess is next week for starts…. 😉

    If a grand jury is impaneled it should make for a great rumor mill, though. Many of us remember back in the early 1990s when members of the Sheriffs office were investigated by a federal grand jury over I believe fund raising issues. That GJ like all Gjs are suppose to be in secrecy, but its amazing how the town talks, however…. I guess we will have to see…. Hopefully, the GJ issue(s) is greater than the collapse and also the potential issue as to who may have been an enabler, who then allowed for such a tragedy to happen….

  4. I got a grand jury summons. The city is unconstitutional. Their contractors should be denied due process as are citizens. I hope I get on the Legacy jury.

  5. I hope Jonathan Ellis of the AL is working on an in-depth investigative report on Legacy.

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