South DaCola

AM950 Blue State Ball 2017

2017-03-11 Thom Hartmann - am950 Blue State Ball

Minnesota’s own am950 progressive talk radio held its 13th Blue State Ball in Minneapolis on March 11, 2017. The large crowd of Minnesotans were joined for the fourth time by Scott Ehrisman and Bruce Danielson. It’s our chance to go somewhere and talk with people who actually can have discussions without acrimony.

There two speakers this year actually put the events of the last few years into perspective, authors and radio hosts Thom Hartmann and Norman Goldman.

While we in South Dakota have to search the Internets for them, our neighbors in Minnesota get to easily find them on a great radio station am950, KTNF.

Norman Goldman is a New York born and now a Los Angeles based attorney – radio host who looks at the world through is legal eyes. Listen to Norman every evening on KTNF or livestream at

We attended the 2017 am950 KTNF Blue State Ball in Minneapolis on March 11th. It’s our chance to go somewhere and talk with people who actually can have discussions without acrimony.

There two speakers this year actually put the events of the last few years into perspective, authors and radio hosts Thom Hartmann and Norman Goldman.

While we in South Dakota have to search the Internets for them, our neighbors in Minnesota get to easily find them on a great radio station am950, KTNF.

Thom Hartmann’s let us in on the dirty little secret little Marco Rubio and the GOP did to ruin many insurance companies who went along with the ACA causing the sky high rate increases to cover the “loses”. The GOP Congress undercut them and then tried to blame it on Obama. Yea, right it’s always his fault. Wonder why….

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