South DaCola

UPDATE: City ‘audio’ records an annexation meeting with what looks like a baby monitor

UPDATE: Word has it that the audio recording the city attempted failed on Tuesday (We hope to have our version of the meeting up soon). I guess this has prompted the city to move the meetings not only to 5:30 at night, but to Carnegie so they can be live stream recorded and watched from home in real time. The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 26.

What I found ironic was this very large public meeting was being recorded with this rinky-dink device while at the very exact time, City Link had a crew over at City Hall recording the Fire Chief’s announcement of his new golden parachute job . . . oh and retirement, filled with lots of hugs from the mayor, apparently his BFF for over 20 years. Remember, when it come to City Link and media, Mayor’s propaganda is 1st priority.

Now this is transparency folks. With several city directors and task force members speaking as well as almost 200 people from the public, the city’s idea of transparency is a simple audio recording that they will ‘post to the internet’.

Funny, we can spend over $400 an episode to watch the Mayor take questions from HS kids during a ‘Shut up and Listen’ episode, but this is what we are reduced to for a public meeting of utmost importance.

Even councilor Neitzert seems to be amused by this advanced technology.

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