As it was explained to me, this updated version of the ban is minus the fine and creates designated smoking areas outside of places like the EC and events like JF. It’s 20 feet for the Events Center and JazzFest and similar events will be required to have ‘designated smoking areas’.
ITEM#33 (DOC: Smoke-Ban)
Still curious how they are going to enforce this at JazzFest.
Is it still legal to piss in the portapotties? Excessive regulation is a problem in this town. My God, you can’t even rent without a license and fee.
The wind practically blows 24/7/365 here. Tobacco smoke is quickly dispersed in the great outdoors. I don’t smoke, but this regulation is absurd overreach.
During the 1920s, “Jazz Cigarettes” was apparently slang for marijuana cigarettes according to the Urban Dictionary……Maybe our City fathers just have the wrong idea……..