Do the Dems have someone besides Sutton for a candidate for governor
While the SDDP is embroiled in a Executive Board meeting as we speak (started at 7 PM and still going at 10 PM) There may be good news on the horizon for them after all.
It seems they have another person considering a run for Governor besides Sutton.
I won’t say who it is until closer to their announcement, that is IF they decide to do it, but let’s just say they come from a VERY public sector professional background and would be a fantastic opponent to Jackley/Noem or Huether. They would especially keep Jackley on his toes during the campaign. There uphill battle will be name recognition.
What I can tell from their political leanings is they would be a moderate Democrat with SOME progressive ideals for the state, especially when it comes to the drug problem ravishing our state and the mental health of our state.
Stay tuned!