South DaCola

2017 City Salaries; Human Resources

The best way to describe the city of Sioux Falls Human Resources Department would be ‘Management Heavy’ of the 15 employees there is 7 managers, over 50%. There is even duplicity in some of the managers. For instance there is two Human Resource Managers who both make $97,073.60 a year, their boss, the Director of Human Resources makes $145,392.

Management salaries equal $662,207 with hourly employees equaling $404,183.

Salaries for the entire department is $1,066,390 with an average salary of $71,092.66 a year.

If I had any advice for the next mayor, I would take a cutting knife to the HR department, and I would start at the top down.

Here is the full doc: 2017-Wages

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