South DaCola

Governor’s Office; My Bad, charging tourism tax on food is stupid

That was sure convenient of the governor’s office to fix this stupidity on the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend when nobody is paying attention.

“The Secretary of Revenue, Andy Gerlach, reviewed this situation and determined that the tourism tax does not apply. Vendors will not be required to collect tourism tax, and any tax they have paid will be refunded.”

Hey Andy, why didn’t you ‘review’ this before you decided to tork off a bunch of people? The Governor realized this was bad publicity and changed his mind, and waited until 7 PM on a Saturday of a holiday weekend to tell us.

Keep it classy Denny. BTW, why did you fire Jason Dilges? While we are on Saturday afternoon declarations, how about spilling the beans about him?

What a bunch of corrupt weasels.

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