The HR director of the city of Sioux Falls, Bill Dah’Toole, says Sideras gets his full pension. (Watch all 3 of KSFY’s videos) While I understand getting his ‘vested’ pension, I question if a terminated director who is accused of child pornography should receive one more penny of tax dollars with his pension or extended healthcare. But the bigger question is, was he terminated or did Huether ‘cut a deal’. Notice Huether NEVER said he fired Jim, only that he ‘in-acted’ the process. As I understand it, if you are terminated, you only get your vested pension.

It is very suspicious, and certainly not right.

Also, I find it interesting that they are only interviewing internal candidates, some of the same people who have invested with Sideras on lake front property. Isn’t this a gigantic conflict of interest? Of course the mayor needs to hire someone internally so he can keep the conflicts and internal scandals at bay.

Makes you wonder if the Mayor shares any investments with Sideras or his lake front buddies?

UPDATE: I guess by city ordinance, there are no rules against Sideras receiving his pension, no matter what he did after his eligibility. At the age of 60 he will get his pension and health benefits (or his wife).

10 Thoughts on “UPDATE: How can Sideras get his full pension?

  1. scott on May 10, 2017 at 10:17 pm said:

    probably his ex-wife.

  2. Larry on May 10, 2017 at 10:32 pm said:

    What a sad existence to be so paranoid and see conspiracies everywhere. Open a window and let some light in!

  3. l3wis on May 10, 2017 at 10:39 pm said:

    I will never apologize for being a cynic. Without people like me, many more crimes would go unpunished. I may not always be right, but at least I look.

  4. Warren Phear on May 11, 2017 at 7:06 am said:

    I have been reading DaCola for about as long as it has been around. More times than not Scott is in front of the curve. You don’t like it here larry, listen to belfrage for all things city.

  5. Which lake?

  6. The D@ily Spin on May 11, 2017 at 4:11 pm said:

    I’m surprised the Fire Chief Pedaphile thing hasn’t become national news. It’s sensationalism that attracts attention. It’s not OJ or the Long Island Lolita but there’s a lull right now for it to fill. Bring on the satellite trucks outside 9th and Main. If we keep Huether occupied with statements, he can’t cause any more damage before the end of his term. We’ll have to buy him a makeup trailer but it can be auctioned later for a homeless shelter.

  7. And if the ordinance is changed, for every Sideras there will be 5 employees Huether will fire that will lose their pensions you will never hear about in the news.

    If you work as a waiter at a restaurant for 30 years and then get caught stealing, should you lose your social security?

    There’s always been a small group of people who think there needs to be special penalties for people who work in government jobs or think they know better even though they’ve never served in a public office but “they pay your salary”.

    When you have to forfeit your 401k when you’re fired, then public employees should have to give up their pensions, and not before (Keeping in mind you shouldn’t write a knee-jerk ordinance that could potentially harm many because of one extreme, disgusting example).

  8. l3wis on May 11, 2017 at 4:38 pm said:

    BFG, you make some good points. But,

    I don’t take issue with Sideras getting his ‘vested’ pension, just like 401K or SS. There is also the question of how much ‘work time’ did he partake in these activities, notice the mayor has avoided those questions.

    If he was downloading porn on taxpayers time and even equipment (phone or computer) I think that would be justification to pull his taxpayer portion of his pension.

    I was told that Sideras will approximately get between $80-$100K a year PLUS $1300 a month in health insurance benefits. Also remember that he is a Veteran, so he also gets healthcare from them.

  9. Warren Phear on May 11, 2017 at 5:13 pm said:

    No on the veterans healthcare. If his income exceeds 53k a year, he will not be eligible for VA benefits, unless hecan prove a military related disability.

  10. The D@ily Spin on May 12, 2017 at 10:34 am said:

    He’s entitled to his retirement but he should be demoted from chief and get less pension.

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