7 Thoughts on “Low wage employer wonders why only druggies apply to work for them

  1. scott on May 9, 2017 at 9:05 pm said:

    they should test the ones that pass the drug tests after a year on the phone. i wonder how many would still pass.

  2. The D@ily Spin on May 10, 2017 at 10:07 am said:

    Banking and healthcare are known for low pay scale. However, they have the highest compensation for CEO’s and upper management. It’s a serious disproportionate problem. Some of us take the bus to work. Others, the jet.

  3. The D@ily Spin on May 10, 2017 at 10:11 am said:

    And, it’s First Premier and Sanford. It takes impairment to work for Denny.com?

  4. Warren Phear on May 10, 2017 at 5:00 pm said:

    Make no mistake about it. first premier is a fee harvesting scam operation. There turnover rate is very high. When you got $11 an hour customer service reps trying to collect on other $11 an hour people, it does not take long to just walk away. Drugs or no no drugs, the doors into and out of first premier will always be revolving.


  5. Its my understanding that First Premier uses a lot of split shifts for its employees too, which cannot help to retain good people either.

    Yesterday, a psychologist was on KELO talking about the situation with the former Fire Chief and this psychologist used words like narcism and a lack of empathy towards others to possibly explain the situation. Well, what kind of empathy do employers in this town have when they rely on split shifts, inadequate pay, and a lack of benefits to be a part of their business plan, and allow their employment opportunities to resemble a revolving door? Any business plan that does not understand its duty within the social contract, an understanding that a work ethic should be complemented with a corporate ethic, is bound to demonstrate a narcism in its business practices, which is not beneficial to the community of the whole and only substantive in an aggregate sense….

  6. The D@ily Spin on May 10, 2017 at 11:41 pm said:

    What I’m hearing is it’s time to run the payday lenders and 35% credit cards out of the state. They were welcome because they had jobs but they became abusive and inhumane. See ya, we don’t need ya.

  7. First Premier has the most prehistoric online system. No statements available, no year end info available. Can only go back a few months, and they want to charge fees to provide what they should be providing online! The most user unfriendly credit card I’ve ever had.

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