South DaCola

Mayor Mike wants to let you know what’s going on in his personal life

In a very strange move, Mayor Mike, who just recently banned publicly hugging him, wants to be suddenly ‘transparent’ about his personal life by telling us about a jog he took last weekend in Fargo;

“Running certainly helps, but citizens lifting me up always prove more fruitful and memorable,” says Mayor Huether.*

In fact, the mayor’s communications person Haterr Hittadog, decided to send out a press release explaining some of the other things the mayor did in his personal life over the past couple of weeks;

Hittadog went on to say that the mayor is going to start sharing more of his personal life on the city website. Huether responded by saying, “I guess if I’m going to start sharing my personal life more with my constituents, they are going to pay for that media.”

*Seems Mikey was a little chapped about my comment last Tuesday about “Going for 11 mile runs and hoping the problems go away.” Instead of running next time Mike, call a WHAAAABULANCE! That is if there is one!


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