South DaCola

Parks Board Meeting Audio, March 21, 2017

2017-03-21 - Park Transparency? LOL

Like ducks out of water, the city of Sioux Falls Parks department continues to think they don’t have to be fully transparent. Here is an audio recording of the Sioux Falls Park and Recreation Board discussing the CIP (capital improvement plan) for 2018. Sure it’s a good thing we have this much of the March 21, 2017 meeting but do you think we can see what they are talking about when no attachments are included?

The millions of dollars in spending this board gives cover to for their special projects the rest of us have to pay for should be held in public, by an evenly distributed city membership. Remember, all the members live south of 26th Street and most near the home of the mayor of all he is not.

Transparency? Yea right, we have an arc of dreams to sell you too. The ducks could have been in the city’s new cement pond and we would have never known it because the Park Board moves all over town to hide from us.

So try and figure out what deals were made between Great Life, Country Club of Sioux Falls and the city Park Department. How about the special golf program? These may be good deals for us if we dug deep enough but in the age of mayoral videos being uploaded every day to YouTube, why can’t the city boards and commissions also be up there?

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