South DaCola

Should Sioux Falls do its road construction projects at night instead?

Mayoral candidate and delicious vegan cookie maker, David Zokaites spoke at public input this past Tuesday, and he asked an interesting question, that I have often pondered myself, “Why don’t we fix the roads in SF at night during the summer.”

Other major cities do this with some success, but the cons seem to outweigh the pros;

Safer for workers (and commuters) some argue that it isn’t due to impaired drivers on the road at night.

Less delays for commuters during day

Less hassle for businesses on route

Cooler to work (avoid UV rays, skin cancer)

Less time for partying (not sure if there is any research on this, but I do know road construction people like beer)

Instead of paying out bonuses, use extra money to pay differential and setup flood light systems.

During David’s testimony, the Mayor’s mic was hot, and you could over hear him mocking David’s proposal. This of course would probably require an ordinance change, which is kind of like pulling teeth. As councilor Stehly recently said, it seems our ordinances (and charter) are setup to protect the city from citizens instead of protecting citizens from the city(s abuse).

I think this is worth the city experimenting with.

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