South DaCola

UPDATE: Sioux Falls Health Director tries to distract from the Ambulance Kerfuffle

UPDATE: A press release, well isn’t that special.

Jill wrote such a sweet letter today telling us about an ordinance that was already passed weeks ago by the city council instead of talking about the real elephant in the room, the musical emergency codes of Paramedics Plus.

Public health policy is a collaborative effort. It combines the efforts of leaders charged with, and invested in, improving the health of our city, public health experts who are responsible for making effective policy recommendations, as well as advocates and concerned residents who want a healthy community and a better future for those who live, work and play in Sioux Falls.

Oh, really Jill? If you were so CONCERNED about the health and well being of our community, you would make sure ambulances show up in a timely manner.

I encourage the citizens to call these fine folks and ask them why the code for Level Zero got changed to a 980.

Public Health Director • Jill M. Franken, 367-8761

Assistant Director of Public Health • Alicia Collura, 367-8009

Emergency Medical Quality Assurance Coordinator • (REMSA) Julie Charbonneau, 367-8763

EMS Medical Director • Jeff Luther, M.D., 271-9000

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