It’s almost embarrassing to think this is all they have better to do;

A Sioux Falls business will be holding a ‘painting party’ after the city says the mural on the side of their building is against city code. The owner of Elegant Mommy says she tried to resolve the problem, but has no choice but to concede to the city.

Of course, all code enforcement violations start with a complaint, I can’t help to wonder if the city’s biggest grocery retailer sharing a parking lot had a little to do with this?

Than there are those silly rules about the square footage of the lettering of the signage compared to the building itself (not sure whose butt they pulled this math from);

The City of Sioux Falls Zoning Enforcement Manager Shawna Goldammer says there’s another problem: there is too much signage. Gaddis says she never received official notice of that violation. She says having a permitted company put up signage that is within city code will cost her at least a few thousand dollars.

Oh, because you know, how on earth could a business owner be able to know how to paint a stencil on a straight line? Yes, in all this silliness you have to hire a certified sign contractor to put a sign on YOUR property, even if you follow all the insane rules. It reminds me a lot of Project TRIM where the city requires you to trim THEIR trees, and if you don’t do it to THEIR standards they will hire a contractor that can, charge you for it and also send you a fine.

It makes you wonder if you really own your property anymore if you are not allowed to improve it yourself without hiring a certified contractor. Lewis Drug did that for their project on 1oth & Phillips, how did that turn out?

9 Thoughts on “This is what our zoning and code enforcement officers fart around with

  1. The D@ily Spin on May 24, 2017 at 12:24 am said:

    First, child porn. Now, undressed children. We gotta do something to control city deviates and prejudice. Is it because children don’t work and can’t pay taxes?

  2. Rufusx on May 24, 2017 at 4:25 pm said:

    Just to repeat – again – for at least the 5tth time here- no – you do not OWN your PROPERTY. You hold TITLE to that property. That title enables you to occupy and use the property described in the title so long as you pay the RENT (property taxes) and follow the rules of the LANDLORD (state and/or state empowered entity – county, city, etc.) The only entity that OWNS any territory (property) with in the USA is the government. Title holders are essentially lessees.

  3. l3wis on May 24, 2017 at 4:38 pm said:

    Well that sucks a big wanger.

  4. anominous on May 24, 2017 at 7:49 pm said:

    The city can honor T-Denny’s mom’s image on a building tower all night long, but they can’t stand a breastfeeding cartoon next to a liquor store?

  5. The D@ily Spin on May 24, 2017 at 8:28 pm said:

    A bundle of rights is a set of legal rights afforded to the real estate title holder. It can include the right of possession, the right of control, the right of exclusion, the right of enjoyment and the right of disposition.

    City ordinances are vague. They are ‘judicial review’ meaning you can’t appeal into court, can’t present evidence, can’t call witnesses, and are not faced by your accuser. They’ll take you to small claims but if you want your case heard insist on circuit court. The city will not sue you there because ordinances are unconstitutional. Case dismissed.

    This business owner could do nothing and may still do so. Meanwhile, the media spots are free advertising. The big loser here is Goldhammer. She should lose her job.

  6. anominous on May 24, 2017 at 11:12 pm said:

    This is the best the building has ever looked, too.

  7. Yep,, Just remember one thing… we certainly live in a free country,, geesh,, I fought for our country , so that power hungry assholes can wake up in the morning so see if they still have a dick.. So they can start acting like one.. That’s the reason I left SiouxFalls

  8. The D@ily Spin on May 26, 2017 at 7:18 am said:

    Goldhammer attacked the munchkins with her flying monkeys. Throw water on her. Maybe a flying house?

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