Hizzoner is going to be appointing a new Fire Chief today (no hugs please). According to early reports, they will be picking the chief form an internal pool. While there is nothing wrong with that process, some are asking if the mayor’s choice has any investments tied in with Sideras on real estate or other assets?
Hopefully this part of the interview has been vetted, and we will see if our local media asks the question today at the press conference.
My guess it will be whoever the union president told Huether to pick, just like last time with Sideras.
Trying to keep the employees happy with meaningless department changes instead of decent raises.
My guess is the next chief will be Goodroad. The union president, Sideras, and Goodroad were all involved in the same real estate development deal I was told.
I was also told Goodroad was Sideras choice as his replacement, so he has that going for him.
Looks like you are right. Nice to be recommended by your investor friend who is a suspected child pornographer. This is what the mayor refers to as ‘due diligence’.
I wonder if the other 7 candidates realize they never had a chance and were only interviewed to make the process look legitimate?
Yeah, I wonder if the other 7 even knew they applied
I also like how KSFY and KDLT have the entire PC on their websites (21 minutes) and the City’s video is 7 minutes long (no questions).
That’s tough coming in following a pedaphile. However, upper management and directors are paid 200k a year plus golden benefits and retirement. They know now to save their appetite for the 6 weeks annual sex trip to Thailand.