Of course, it did NOT come from city hall. That would go against their fierce opposition to transparency.

Findings reveal the non-profit arts and culture industry generates $104.5 million in total economic activity in the Sioux Falls area, supports 3,567 full-time equivalent jobs, generates $71.1 million in household income to local residents and generates $2.8 million in revenue to local government.

The Study found that on top of admission costs to events, arts and culture audiences spend an additional $30.35 per person per event. This figure is up from $21.57 reported in a similar study released in 2012. The effect of these dollars is felt throughout the local economy: organizations pay employees, purchase supplies, contract for services, and acquire assets within the community while audiences spend money locally on meals, hotel rooms, and gas, among other things. The ripple effect of arts and culture spending in Sioux Falls amounts to $84.8 million annually.

Add to this the $20.8 million spent by arts and cultural nonprofits themselves, the result is $105.4 million in cumulative economic activity in Sioux Falls.

What I found interesting is that while the Pavilion participated, SMG (Events Center) and the Convention Center did NOT. You would think that if both or either one participated, these numbers would look very different. But like I said already, that would require letting the public look at the books.

I have requested a full copy of the study.

One Thought on “A local economic impact study that actually shows us the numbers

  1. Of course SMG would not participate. They only have a negative financially impact on the community. Any participation in the study would like open them up to this.

    Just always remember as you see Jason Aldean for the 14th time, these groups only show up to suck more money from our town. there is no way possible for the EC to make a breakeven set of books. By the time the 2nd penny pays the bonds off years from now, it will be a worn out, mold infested building no one will want to visit or use.

    All money derived from tickets sales go toward the groups and SMG. The city of Sioux Falls gets NO profit from this building.

    The building was built to enhance the profitability of SMG, Mortenson and the bonding companies. The sooner this city government wakes up to this and rewrites the management contracts, the better for us.

    Just remember, every time you attend a function at the EC, you take money from a locally owned entertainment, service, contractor or other business. These locally owned and operated businesses are here trying to make a living for all of us. The EC managers will leave town in a few short years where they can fleece another boom town.

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