South DaCola

I Shocked the Mayor but I did not Shock the Wambulance

2017-06-06 - I Shock the Mayor but I did not Shock the Wambulance

(Cameraman Bruce presented this video tonight at the council meeting public input)

You hear the darnedest things at Sioux Falls City Council Public Input. July 5, 2016 was no different. Cameraman Bruce decided to present an ambulance problem he had helped a Korean War veteran with.

On June 6, 2017, Bruce finally gets a chance to present this video to the Council and then post this video for all to see.

You know what? A couple of ambulance company audience members were more concerned with boats for sale on their iPad then hearing what Bruce had to say. Then we also illustrate to what extent our administration will go to cover for the ambulance service company in Sioux Falls.

This video is an example of how little regard the audience has for us inputers. We inputers are introducing the Council members in public what many of them will not listen to in private. We try, they fail to listen, we speak in public, they are mad they need to run for cover

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