South DaCola

It’s about ‘Mutual Aid’ Stupid

FF 7:00

Five city councilors tried to ‘splain away’ why the media is getting it wrong about Paramedics Plus, REMSA and the Health Director, Jill Franken. In fact, Franken was so concerned she didn’t even bother to show up to the meeting, but did supply Council Vice-Chair Erickson a cute two-page letter to read. I guess the six figures a year Franken makes just isn’t enough for her to show up in person and defend herself. Smart move, because anytime you bring up PP to Franken in a public meeting, she sweats like a hooker in church. When she was questioned by council about approving PP as the new ambulance service, she was so nervous I thought she was going to pass out.

At one point in the informational, a long time Democrat, Erpenbach, quoted Trump by saying the media surrounding PP is ‘Fake News’. Even though the term ‘Phantom’ is the language used in PP’s contract and not made up by the media.

Stehly let them have it. First by saying councilors and other elected officials have a right to be concerned and talk to the media about the issue. She also stressed that this was about ‘Mutual Aid’ asking the council to make sure those agreements get signed ASAP.

I also told them at Public Input later that night (FF: 34:30) at the council meeting that it comes down to mutual aid and transparency. Let’s face it, it comes down to PP somehow convincing Metro 911, REMSA and the Health Department that ALL calls and transports need to go to them, and NOT to other ambulances, even if patients have to wait.

So the big question is, how did PP convince Metro and others to abide by that request? I have no idea. But if you get on the Googles you will see why PP is being sued by the Feds in other states, and it isn’t because they ask for things nicely.

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