Mike was on the B-N-B show this morning, and he mentioned that some ‘organizations’ have already reached out to him with job offers after he leaves city hall. Let’s all hope those job offers are in other states 🙂

Of course the conversation quickly went to ‘all about Mike’. After he admitted he didn’t care about other people’s grandkids (I’m with you man) they went into the tiresome conversation about what he will do next. Of course, we all know it is narrowed down to the Governor race. He spent very little time saying he hasn’t decided yet into how he would do the job as governor if elected as an indy. It was obvious from his speculation that he thinks South Dakotans would support an Indy for governor. I agree, but in a 3 person race, could he garner enough support to win? You could tell by how excited he got talking about the possible job as governor that he is ‘chomping at the bit’ to run for a statewide race. He said he would love to engage the other 66 counties in the state during a possible race. SO WHY NOT JUST ANNOUNCE ALREADY? I think once he finally does everyone will just give a sigh and say SHOCKER!

He also mentioned that in his presentation that he will give at 4 PM to the council that he cut $40 million from the Capital Program. Like I said earlier this week, doesn’t really matter because the next council and mayor will shred the proposal next year.

By l3wis

9 thoughts on “Mayor Huether says he has already had job offers”
  1. He might be excited to talk about being governor, but he knows he won’t be running cause he’s got no funding.

    BTW did you see how Brandon folks are getting new inner city train parking. It won’t be long before they connect the sf downtown rail removal project as the source of their plight. Huether should get the blame.

  2. Oh, yeah, the Brandon peeps have bitched to the RR and the to the city of SF several times about moving the switchyard. There was sort of a compromise, but not much.

  3. i’m guessing triple m’s job offers have come from the following: sanford, 1st premier, and j & l harley davidson.

  4. None of those businesses got SF taxpayer money for building projects. You need to think bigger…. kinda like former Pres Obummer making millions on speeches for Wall Street.

  5. Funding? Frankly he could self-fund his campaign many times over and not break a sweat. Moreover it would probably only bolster his personal philosophy of not being beholden to any person or special interest group. That’s the thing you think you got the guy in the corner and yet he wins again. More parallels between him and Trump every day.

  6. Maybe it’s me but I’m tired of Huether’s ego. He’s become a has-been loser. I’d rather memorize the Bible than listen to him anymore. Give him his broom closet solitary confinement office at Sanford so he disappears like Munson.

  7. Bahaha. Huethers personal philosophy of not being beholden to anyone. Trump funded his own campaign.

    Don’t you go growing up on us Sandman. Your niavete is just too cute.

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