I wonder which developer now is looking for some corporate welfare? Maybe to build 44 condos this time instead of 22? So much for affordable housing;

The briefing will consist of the items on the upcoming July 6 Commission meeting agenda, and then the members will adjourn to discuss a Tax Incremental Financing (TIF) District with the staff.

This outta be good . . .

By l3wis

3 thoughts on “TIFilicious Returns to Sioux Falls?”
  1. TIF’s are political favors. There’s no impact or benefit to the people of Sioux Falls other than the sales tax when a developer fat cat buys his wife and mistress diamonds.

  2. TIFs in this town seem to have nine lives. Just like the Republican’s replacement plan for ObamaCare. Remember, “it is never over until the fat lady sings……”

  3. Actually the TIF wont be discussed until the August meeting. The release that went out yesterday was incorrect, per community development.


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