South DaCola

Why I support Randy Dobberpuhl for School Board

I didn’t just wake up one morning supporting Randy for school board this time around. I supported Randy in ALL three of his races not because he is running against big money but because he is the BEST candidate.

Besides the fact that Randy is well versed in what goes on with the school district, his background in County government gives him the ears and eyes for how public education works, and for that matter what works. It also doesn’t hurt that Randy has two boys in the district and a wife who worked as a teacher and now an administrator.

His charity work is also impressive. It is not easy for a hardworking family man to take time away from his own family and busy professional life to help other children in our community. And while Randy may be humble or modest about his charitable work, he has an enormous heart.

What impresses me the most about Dobberpuhl is his determination. I met Randy several years ago when he first moved to Sioux Falls. He was working a part-time job (on top of a full-time job) to help support his family to get ahead. Living and striving for the American Dream.

Randy doesn’t come from ‘big money’ and he certainly doesn’t ride the coat tails of an established political party. Randy wants to be on the school board to HELP the children of this community grow and prosper. No hidden agenda.

Doesn’t it just seem a little odd to anyone that a district that has so many kids living in poverty (almost half on FREE or reduced lunches) that one of the people running for the job would raise a ridiculous amount of campaign money from the very donors who want to keep the status quo of cheap labor (they disguise as workforce development). These same donors are the ones who give their money year after year to the dominate political party in Pierre that has done NOTHING in over 40 years to advance or make public education better? And their lame brain attempt of raising regressive taxes on food doesn’t count. In fact, it was an account they tried to rob just one year after its implementation.

Dobberpuhl’s main opposition may claim to be ‘independent’ from her husband’s party politics, but her financial report tells a different story. Randy is an independent because he doesn’t play the games of the political parties, he just simply believes in doing the right thing for the community.

Randy doesn’t sleep in the bed of the anti-education party, and that is why he should be the easy choice on June 6th.

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