South DaCola

SD Supreme Court made the right decision in Bosworth case

While I disagree with what Bosworth did, I do support the decision in dropping the perjury charges.

I was often baffled how she could be charged with both. She either lied about the documents or she filed false documents. As I watched the court proceedings it seemed obvious to me she was definitely guilty of the false documents charge, but I wasn’t sure she committed perjury.

The ironic part is that the crime she is charged with happens all the time, probably not to the extent of the circulator being out of the country, but I have seen petitioners circulate petitions at events and just let them go from table to table on their own without witnessing every signature, which is very similar to what she did.

I also think while she really screwed up on this and is guilty, I don’t think the charges are serious enough for her to lose her medical license. I guess we will see what the medical board decides.


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