The SFPD created a Diversity position today;

The Sioux Falls Police Department is creating a new position to build relationships in the community, particularly with the many diverse groups that exist in Sioux Falls. Officer Cynthia Holmquest was recently selected as the first Community Resource Officer and will begin her new duties on Monday, August 14, 2017.

The Community Resource Officer will become the primary contact for minority groups, religious organizations, the Multi-Cultural Center, the LGBTQ community, and numerous other organizations.

While I applaud the creation of the position, I’m wondering if this was taken into consideration;

Authorities say an off-duty Sioux Falls police officer cited for careless driving in a crash that killed a 17-year-old Badger girl will not face additional charges.

Kingsbury County State’s Attorney Gregg Gass said that the July 22 crash was “simply a matter of inadvertent careless driving.”

Gass said25-year-old Cynthia Holmquest was reaching for a pair of sunglasses in her vehicle when it struck Savannah Koistinen’s vehicle from behind, pushing it into the path of an oncoming school bus carrying students.

At the time of the incident, some questioned whether Holmquest (who was a new officer on the SFPD) should have been able to keep her patrol officer position or her job at all. Obviously it was a tragic accident, but one has to question Holmquest’s driving abilities during emergencies as an officer after the incident (she was off-duty at the time).

I guess I am ignorant how these decisions are made when an officer is charged with a traffic violation. But hey, we kept the city attorney in charge of the SFPD after he was charged with a DUI.

By l3wis

11 thoughts on “SFPD promotes officer involved in deadly crash”
  1. A SF police officer who killed a teenager in an accident that was her fault and also involved a school bus GOT PROMOTED.

    The city attorney who represents police got arrested for drunk driving and KEEPS HIS JOB.

    Here’s proof the city is organized crime. The more people you kill, the more likely you’ll eventually become MADE or even GODFATHER.

  2. I have no comment on your article but i will say this i have for months worked with the pd on community issues and crime and i have worked very hard on my part and the police and others to make this huge step that is needed for sioux falls and thats having a community resource officer i also am pushing to have the pd have community service officers to help street patrol is stress and help with there work load

  3. I have stressed and worked very hard along the side with the police dept on how important it was to have this resource officer .i also am pushing that we get community service officers to help take the work load off the street patrolman .I am not goona judge this officer on her past cause i and others was not there and dont know all the evidence.all im saying is siouxfalls needed this position and it is filled and i know first hand that the candidates for this position had to go through extensive interview.

  4. Doesn’t matter what any department in the city did, you would find fault with it. Maybe the problem is you?

  5. Next thing you know there will be a fire chief who’s a pedafile or lives out of town 20 miles.

    Agreed, special needs and positions welcomed at the city. However, it should be managed by competent ethical qualified employees without a criminal record and who live inside city limits. Enough of these political appointments already.

  6. I’ll click that link. We have to read the Rapid City Journal to find out what is happening in Sioux Falls.

    […25-year-old Cynthia Holmquest was reaching for a pair of sunglasses in her vehicle when it struck Savannah Koistinen’s vehicle from behind, pushing it into the path of an oncoming school bus carrying students.

    Two passengers in the crash suffered serious injuries, authorties said. Gass said he didn’t have a medical condition update on the passengers.

    The school bus was carrying 20 high school girls from the Willow Lake area who were returning from a volleyball camp in Elkton. Two girls suffered minor injuries.

    Koistinen attended Hamlin High School in rural Hayti and would have been a junior this fall.

    Holmquest pleaded no contest to careless driving in early September.

    Sioux Falls officials say Holmquest still works for the police department. She was hired in August 2012.

    After the crash, Sioux Falls police spokesman Sam Clemens said Holmquest’s status as a police officer remained active and the department wouldn’t take any action until the investigation was completed. He declined to say last week if she had been disciplined by the city. ]

  7. SM, the Argus reported the same thing I did. So you don’t think officers involved in deadly accidents, even off-duty is concerning? Yeah, sounds like I have a problem.

  8. I raised hell over the fact this officer was not removed from duty to the council, mayor and chief right after the incident. The mayor and council were silent and the chief said “we need to let this play out before making a decision”.

    Fuck up move up is the theme of this city government.

  9. Every decision that government makes is subject to objective scrutiny. But one might believe that this officer’s record of service should merit giving her a chance to make this successful. I doubt most people would say that just because she is an officer means this should be held against her forever.

  10. The careers of many benefit from the influence of a patron to boost and support advancement through the ranks, notwithstanding circumstances which might otherwise be considered “career limiting”.

    Who is her patron ?

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