It all kicks off at 2 PM, at Carnegie for the Budget hearings. Of course, as you can tell from the SIRE links there are NO attached documents. Mayor Huether likes to keep everything top secret before he presents it so he doesn’t miss out on that element of surprise.

In the first hearing he will go over HR, Central Services, Community Development (Affordable Housing, Economic Development and Public Parking).

Maybe we will see if they are going to finally announce what is going on with the DT parking ramp. My sources tell me that contract negotiations have failed so far between the city and Legacy.

The council meeting certainly won’t be dry or short either, it will be a very long day for the council;

Item #35, 2nd Reading, Lacey Park will be up for rezoning from Ag land to Live Work. Councilor Stehly will be recusing herself due to her close relationship with the landowners and partially due to Rex Rolfing’s flying gavel puck. I suspect it will pass, maybe with some conditions.

Item #46 & #47, 2nd Readings, The Glory House will be officially gifted city property, with the purchase of some of the land because the Mayor doesn’t like handouts unless it is to tennis centers that bear his name.

Item #48, 1st Reading, Parks Board Districting. This is Stehly’s legislation that has gotten pushback from the mayor’s office.

I’m note sure if it will make it to a 2nd reading, but even if it does, it will be a rough ride to passage because even if it gets 5 votes to pass, the mayor could veto it. So it will essentially need 6 votes on 2nd reading. Either way, Stehly promises to bring it back next Spring after a new council and mayor are sworn in. Just like Snowgates, it will eventually get passed, so why fight it now?

Item #49, 1st Reading, the watered down version of the Rental Registration ordinance changes, I suspect there will probably be even more amendments to Erpenbach’s proposal.

Item #50, 1st Reading, this is a NEW $150 fee added to alcohol licensing for Off-Sale Delivery. This is the first I have heard about it, and it will be interesting to hear the reasoning behind the fee. I’m just as baffled as you.

Hopefully the council can take lots of pee breaks, they are going to need them.

By l3wis